Safe Step Systems helps identify safety concerns that most people may not recognize and our solutions can benefit older adults as well as anyone with orthopedic or impairing medical conditions.

We have developed a comprehensive systems approach to prevent falls and the subsequent outcomes of injury, decreased mobility and additional medical costs.

Make Your Residence Safe Step Certified!

Physician-Directed Safe Step Systems Assessment – Starting From $200
Our Approach:

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    Virtual Assessment

    A personalized virtual assessment by a physician to evaluate and assess the living environment of the residence. We look for fall hazards and other environmental risks that may contribute to falls. A virtual assessment usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes.
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    Create an Individualized Safe Step Plan

    Our physician-directed team communicates with the client and/or family members to explain our detailed assessment and professional recommendations for changes and safety measures to put into place.
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    Implementation & Coordination

    Continued Reassessments – Post implementation, you can request additional virtual assessments to review the changes you’ve completed. This optional service can be invaluable to distant family members who want the assurance that their loved one’s residence is properly maintained, with all the safety measures continuing to function as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Safe Step Systems assessment cost?

Starting at $200 per assessment. Prices may vary depending on complexity of risk in the residence.

How long does a virtual assessment take?

The initial virtual assessment typically takes 30-60 minutes but can vary depending on the residence size and complexity of risk at the residence.

Will there be a post assessment meeting?

Our assessment recommendations will be provided in a digital format. You can also request a virtual meeting to discuss the recommendations.

Do we need our own contractor to implement recommendations?

Yes. Safe Step Systems does not offer construction or renovation services.

Do you offer reassessments as needed?

Yes, we can offer monthly or quarterly virtual assessments.